Friday, 18 May 2012

Take Down, Free Time, & Remembering PEI

Today was a gorgeous day in Charlottetown. The sky was clear blue and the temperatures soared to almost 20°C. Then after a three hour viewing for the community and school groups, the finalists took down their displays in rapid time. We didn't take more than an hour to remove all the posters and collapse all the back boards. During lunch Sonia showed us her pin collection. At 1PM we gathered to take the Team BC group composite in front of Main Building at UPEI.

Sonia's pin collection
Team BC Finalists (High Resolution)
Team BC Finalists & Delegates (High Resolution)
With the weather being so beautiful, we elected to take the public transit to downtown. They really have pulled out all the stops for us here in the small town. Our bus fare was only $1 (normally $2) if we show our CWSF name tags. One driver was so accommodating, that he pulled into a strip mall to drop another regional group off at the East Side Mario's. You'd never find that in the metropolis of Vancouver. Our group broke up and  spent about an hour and half downtown. We walked into souvenir shops and other venues to get a good flavour of the warm hospitality of the people of Charlottetown.
Yes...they had a pink bus!
City Hall

We returned back to UPEI around 5:30PM and had a Mexican supper in the dining hall. Following that, the evening's festivities was themed as "Remembering PEI". It included eating lobster, mussels, and oysters at one venue, listening to the band 10 Strings And A Goat Skin at another, then watching some maritime tap dancers at still another.  All in all, it brought a wonderful close to a brilliant week in this warm and pleasant community of 38,000. 

Learning how to eat lobster
Shivan doesn't care for the taste of lobster. Don't blame him...they used to feed this stuff to inmates and the disadvantaged.
The lobster woman said "A 100 years ago, the poor kids used to come to school with a lobster sandwich, the wealthy ones came with peanut butter and jelly." Oh how things have turned.
Wyatt enjoying his lobster...I don't think I've seen him smile so brightly all week.
Still hesitant on the flavours. That's OK, his neighbour ate his leftovers.
The lobster woman showing us how to de-vein a lobster
There are just shells left. The mussels got scooped up really quickly
Nadia and Pinchy
Tomorrow we fly out at 6:45PM. That means we head for the airport just after 5PM. Nadia plans to hit the local farm market across the street in the morning. We'll leave the day open tomorrow and see what unfolds.  

Westjet flight 497 arrives in YVR at 11:30 PM. See you then. 

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