Thursday, 17 May 2012

The Awards Ceremony & Banquet

Today is when South Fraser's finalists find out the results of the judging at the 2012 Canada Wide Science Fair. They've been filled with anxiety since they awoke this morning. While Nadia and I had yet another delegates meeting, the finalists went and stood by their projects for more public viewing. It wasn't very busy and that didn't alleviate their anxiety.

They returned to their rooms at 12:30 to get ready for the 2PM departure to the Charlottetown Confederation Centre of the Arts where the awards ceremony and banquet was held. When they emerged out of their rooms at 1:45, we almost didn't recognize our finalists. They looked amazing all dressed to the nines. There wasn't a finer looking bunch at the whole fair.

We arrived at the Centre and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and 18°C temperatures for a few moments before we entered into the theatre. While in the courtyard waiting, we took some fun  candid pictures of the group.
Charlottetown Confederation Centre of the Arts

The South Fraser Finalists
Some candid and fun shots
Shelby said that "Scientists don't think...they DO". I guess these guys are making up for that.
I asked if she could raise her right eyebrow...she can't
Apparently, this is a cosine wave....apparently

Who are these two characters?
The Delta Finalists
The Surrey Finalists

The ceremony started on time at 3PM. Our finalists were anxious about the awards. About half way into the ceremony, they announced Nick's name for a bronze medal in the senior category. We cheered and hollered as he smiled from ear to ear running down to the stage to receive his medal. We all hoped and prayed that another would come, but we only received one medal for the 2012 CWSF. While everyone was excited for Nick, we were a bit disappointed that we didn't receive more awards this year. I have to comment that their resilience is amazing...already they are planning for next year's projects in hopes of securing a medal at the 2013 CWSF in Lethbridge, Alberta next May.

The screen's caption
Congratulations Nick!
What's bronze made of?
After a lengthy wait in the courtyard following the ceremony, we were invited in to sit at our tables for dinner. The buffet style feast included a variety of salads, vegetables, roast pork, turkey and all the fixings.
Patiently waiting to be called to the buffet
When the banquet concluded, we coached back to UPEI for a dance at the Student Union Building. This is where the finalists were able to let off some steam after a very packed and exciting week of judging and activities. The girls danced the night away...until curfew at 11PM. The boys stayed back at the residences and likely continued with networking and dominating the virtual world. 

The Australian's and their choreographed performance
The girls watching the Australian's
Look at all that pent up energy!
Miranda (Sonia's roomate) Shelby, Sonia, Soohyun
Sonia, Emma (Sonia's other roomate), Devika, Soohyun
Miranda, and Shelby
Devika and Nadine having a blast!

Tomorrow it's an 8:15 breakfast, three hours of school tours and public exhibition, then take down. Nadia and I...another delegates' meeting.

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